Sunday, October 18, 2020

Laugh for life

A hearty laugh lightens stress and physical tension of our body. A good laugh calm down our muscles for up to 45 minutes after it. Laughter improves immune system by increasing immune cells and creating infection-fighting antibodies that works against diseases. It also decreases stress hormones.

Search on laughter reveals that it is an effective drug which transmits a virus sliding down lot of benefits for the mind and body.

Let’s see what points motivate us to laugh it.

Laughter Discharges a potent endorphin.

Studies and experiments show that laughing with others releases a chemical in brain called endorphin. This chemical releases very powerful effect due to which one gets more relaxing and influential. The more this chemical is in our brain the more controlling power will be there. Highly addictive opioid drugs e.g., heroin  also releases such element to give recreation to the addicted person. So laughter is highly recommended than such addictive drugs.

Laughter is source of social bonds

The endorphin effect as discussed above is transmittable to others too. When someone laughed hearty it create a circle of cheerfulness around so it transfers endorphin substance to others who will come in this circle which ultimately creates social togetherness and safety. Each brain in a social unit becomes the transmitter of this element which activates good feeling in other brains too. It works as a game of endorphin dominoes as when someone starts laughing other will laugh even if they’re not sure why he/she is laughing about.

       Kinds of laughter.

       All the laughter are not the same. Decoding a laughter is very tough task as it may be different than it seems, depending on perceptions. For instant decoding laughter full of joys versus taunting laughter versus tickling laughter. Laughter promotes an extra in-region connectivity that kick in when we hear a laugh, as our brain works as a interpreter to sort out what nature of message is coming out.

         Relationship needs laughter.

    Study shows that females laughed 126% more than their male counterpart, while male initiates the laughter most. These result to an application to create and maintain relationship. Men have sense of humor on the top and females tend to  the males having good laughing tricks as they keep others happy too. It’s not surprisingly that couple who laugh together have high quality relationship.

         Laughter acts as antidepressants.

         Laughter activates the chemicals that acts as neurotransmitter serotonin which are artificially created by antidepressants, SSRIs. It is not confirmed that how long effect it has but for the short time period it releases potent(chemical) to relax the mind and muscles.

         Protect your heart by laughing.

         Laughter works as anti-inflammatory that protects blood vessels and heart muscles from damage due to cardiovascular disease. As hearty laughter lessen the body’s stress and despair, which is directly linked to increase inflammation. Regular cheerful laugh should be the part of every heart disease preventive program.

           Laughter as a medicine.

          It’s true ''laughter'' is a strong medicine. It keeps the people together in many ways that generate healthy physical and emotional changes in body. Laughter boosts mood, diminish pain and protects us from the effects of slaughter and increases resilience damaging. Resilience is the ability to face the failure as natural outcome rather than putting it on others or taking it in negative sense. Resilient people are happier and more successful. The important factor in developing resilience is to acknowledge mistakes without becoming angry or depressed. If we laugh on mistakes it will recognize us that mistakes or loss is a part of being human.

          Controls blood pressure.

       Laughter is the simplest medicine to reduce our high blood pressure. Thus it   becomes important to have daily dose of laughter to control blood pressure.

Make your life full of laughter

  •  Share laughter with friends by having funny communication with them and spend   your time with people who have fun.
  •  Practice laughter yoga.
  •  Feel the life is full of funs. Focus on finding laughable moments and funs and share same with your friends in order to increase your laughter power.
  •  Make humor by reading a funny book, watching a comedy drama or show, or listening to your favorite comedian.
  •  You should also know the meaning of fun. Laughing at the expense of others isnot fun. You should discriminate about your humor by laughing with the people not at the people.
  •  Ability to laugh can be developed with the practice by prioritizing fun. Find occasion to be childish. Remember laughter, just like smile, cannot be depleted by sharing.

1 comment:

  1. Effective and Gud working and research....But how can we buy a happines for laugh????
