Thursday, August 20, 2020

Micro nutrients are one of the major groups of nutrients which our body needs. 

1) Vitamins 

Vitamins are required for energy production, better immune system, blood clotting and other functions. Vitamins are divided into 2 categories 
 Water soluble vitamins.
 Fat soluble vitamins. 

Water soluble vitamins dissolve in water easily. They can’t store in our body easily as they are flushed out with urine when they are in excess in our body. Since these vitamins are not stored in our body but it’s important to get enough of them from food. Each Water soluble vitamin has a distinctive role. The water-soluble vitamins, some of their functions and sources are as follows.

 Vitamin B Family 
Vitamin B1 also known as thiamine. It helps to convert nutrient into energy. Sources of these vitamins are whole grain, meat, and fish. 
Vitamin B2 known as riboflavin. It is essential for producing energy, cell function and fat metabolism. Sources are Organic meat, eggs, milk. 
Vitamin B3 known as niacin. Produces energy from food. Sources are meat, salmon’s beans, and leafy greens. 
Vitamin B5 known as pantothenic acid. It is essential for fatty acid production. We can get it from mushrooms, avocado tuna, and organic meat. 
Vitamin B6 called pyridoxine. It creates red blood cells and discharge sugar from carbohydrates for energy production. Main sources are fish, potatoes, carrot, and milk. 
Vitamin B7 called biotin. It plays an important role in the metabolism of fatty acids, amino acids and glucose. It is obtained from Spinach, sweet potatoes, almonds and eggs. 
Vitamin B9 known as folate. It is important for cell division. Sources are liver, beef, asparagus, black eyed peas, spinach. 
Vitamin B12 called Cobalamin. It is significant for the formation of red blood cells and proper brain system. We can get it from clams, fish, meat. 

Vitamin C: It is also called ascorbic acid. It is essential for the creation of neurotransmitters and collagen (the main protein in our skin). Main sources are Citrus fruits, bell peppers, Brussels sprouts. 

Folic Acid: 
It helps in building DNA and protein, maintain intestinal tract, prevents nervous system birth defects and aids in bone growth.
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Fat soluble vitamins do not dissolve in water. They are best absorbent in body. These vitamins are stored in liver and fatty tissues for future use. The names, functions and sources of fat-soluble vitamins are: 
Vitamin A: It is necessary for proper vision and organ functions. Sources are liver, dairy fish, sweet potatoes, carrot and spinach. 
Vitamin D: Boost up proper immune system, aids in calcium absorption and bone growth. Sources are sunlight, fish oil, and milk. 
Vitamin E: Assists immune system and acts as an antioxidant that protects cells from damage. Sources are sunflower seeds, wheat germ, almonds. 
Vitamin K: It is needed for clotting of blood and proper bone development. Sources are leafy greens, soybeans and pumpkin. 

2) Minerals.

Minerals are solid substances produced naturally. One or more elements combined together to make it. Silver, gold and carbon form these elements on their own. They are also called basic elements. Minerals are as follows. 
• Calcium 
• Potassium 
• Sodium 
• Iron 
• Zinc 

Calcium: It maintains teeth and bones. Helps in blood clotting, nerves and muscles function. Sources are Dairy milk and fortified non dairy milks, sardines ( type of fish), clams( sea animal), dark green vegetables, oysters ( type of fish) and almonds. 
Potassium: It regulates water balance in cells, important for heart rhythm and nerves system. Sources are Oranges, Banana, cereal, Potatoes and dried beans. 
Sodium: It regulates water balance and stimulates nerves. Main sources are Table salt, bread and almost everything. 
Iron: It forms blood cells and transports oxygen throughout the body. Sources are dark green vegetables, whole grain cereals, and whole grain such as brown rice and quinoa, legumes, lentils, nuts, seeds, dried fruits and animals proteins. 
Zinc: It aids in transporting of carbon dioxide, healing wounds and forms enzymes. Sources are whole grains and dairy milk and fortified non dairy milks. 

In short micro nutrients are needed in tiny amounts. These tiny substances are the magic wands that enable the body to produce hormones enzymes for the proper growth and development of body. Although these are needed in small amounts however the consequences of their absence are severe. So we should intake micro nutrients in proper amounts for better health for prosper life. 
As ‘’health is wealth’’

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