Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Hygienic and pak food


Food is life

Food is substance which we need to eat for living a healthy life. It contains many nutrients for the growth of body internally and externally.

Hygienic and pak food means.

When food is free from infections and germs it is called hygienic food.


Good and hygienic food is essential part for living a healthy life. Food together with physical activities like exercise and routine work can help to achieve and maintain normal  weight, which may save us from the chronic diseases like cancer, heart problem, mental stress etc. and support our overall health.

Nutrients are divided in two main groups

Micro nutrients include Vitamins and minerals.

Macronutrients include Carbohydrates, proteins  and fats.

These groups provide extra energy and eating  clean and hygienic food acts surprisingly to improve cognitive function and reduce digestive symptoms as well.

Eating clean and hygienic food constantly will fill up our body with abundant vitamins and minerals etc. which are useful to improve brain, heart health and construct a stronger immune system and it also has many more benefits.

Scientific researches and experiments have shown that hygienic and pure food creates positive effects on the health and even on personality too. Many experiments were conducted in various  universities  to check the effects of taking  pak and hygienic food verses impure food.

The people taking hygienic food were observed to be healthier and less obese than the people taking unhygienic food. Furthermore it was observed that people of first group were having positive thinking and more mature in  planning their future than the other group.

In short poor nutrition is the cause of illness mentally and physically. It reduces our capacity to do work. We may lose our feeling of happiness too. 


Therefore it is correctly said that “Health is Wealth” 

Keep  food and ourselves disinfected

Main parts of our body, which are the origin of infection are our hands. So always wash hands properly before handling food. From the point of taking food items to the preparation for cooking then after cooking till eating each step needs a lot of attention regarding cleanliness of our hands.

Secondly clean water should be used in preparing food and for washing fruits and vegetables.


Food hygiene measures should be taken for the safety of food from its production to consumption. Food can be grimy at any point during harvesting, processing, storing, transporting, slaughtering and preparing to eat. So hygienic measures will help in reducing these risks of infections. For this purpose efforts should be made collectively and individually.

Today most people like to use ready to cook and eat food items without considering how much it may be infected or unhealthy which may be harmful not only for physical condition but also mental fitness. So we should avoid such food items. But in case we are in need of these then it should be observed that food must be displayed and served in a manner that it will be safe for consumption. Correct temperature should be maintained to avoid cross- contamination and controlling poisonous growth due to bacteria. Clean sanitized equipments, utensils and clothes  should be used.

At home we can save our food from infection and unhygienic conditions properly.

The simple and basic rules that will help to keep food safe from illnesses are as follows



Cross contamination



Wash hands before and after handling raw form of food items such as meat, poultry, 

fish, vegetables and fruits etc.

Always wash utensils and surfaces of kitchen before and after preparing food.

For the purpose of cleaning various washing materials are available in market which are designed to eliminate  grease, oil and dirt.

Disinfectants such as bleach and anti bacterial cleaners are available to kill germs. These are available in spray form also. But these cleaners should be used promptly  according to the instructions mentioned on them.

Kitchen should be cleaned thoroughly periodically.

Separate clothes and buckets should be used for cleaning shelves, sinks and floor of kitchen.

Separate sponges should be used for washing utensils.

Surfaces should be cleaned with detergents to remove grease or dirt then disinfectants should be applied to kill any germs in kitchen.

Use separate cloths or sponges for different tasks after using same should be washed in hot water or soak them in disinfectants but these should not soaked overnight as it may  cause growth of  bacteria.

Food should be served in cleaned pots and packs.


Cooking time and temperature should be maintained according to the instructions. 

Avoid using  oven for heating  of food but if there is need then oven should be pre-heated.

Before serving, food should be piping  hot. 

Meat and chicken food should be cooked thoroughly. There should be no sign of blood or its color when we use knife to cut  into it, nor should there be any juice flowing  out of meat.

Once food is prepared it should be kept covered.

Food should be freshly cooked.

Sausages and burger patties should also be cooked properly and thoroughly.

Cross Contamination

If there is any harmful bacteria on any food and we touch it , our infected hands           will be a       source of spreading bacteria to other food items. Therefore it is necessary to wash hands before touching other foods and utensils.

Always keep raw food  separate from cooked food especially raw meat, fish, poultry items.

Don’t put cooked food in a pot which was containing raw food previously until it is washed properly.

Separate pots and cutting boards should be used for cooked and raw food items. 


Hot food should not be put into fridge or freezer.

Before putting the food into fridge   or freezer, let the food to cool down .This cooling down process should be completed within one or two hours.As George Bernard once said,

      ‘’There is no love sincere than the love of food’’

        We have to be sincere in our choice of healthy and clean food in order to improve  our  health and hence the quality of our life. It is very true when we say that a man is what he eats.

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